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We use Google Maps to display the map function and detailed directions. If you enable the function of Google Maps, Google can use web-fonts for the purpose of consistent representation of the fonts used by Google. When using Google Maps and the associated use of web-fonts, your IP address will be transferred to Google servers in the USA. Due to the potential data protection risks, your voluntary consent is required for the use of Google Maps. The branchfinder itself still functional without the Google Maps function.
Further Information in our Information on data protection

Do you want to continue with Google Maps for graphical maps and directions?

Details to Revocation:

The consent given once only applies for the respective search process and not for future branch searches. Before you want to start a new search, you must agree the use of Google Maps again. Therefore, the revocation of your consent is not necessary for the future. You can cancel the current use of Google Maps at any time and use the search function without the map and driving function.